Monday, November 28, 2016

The Effects of Pollution

The effects of Pollution
Many times I heard about Pollution but I never knew exactly what it was? According to 'Earth Eclipse’: “Pollution is the contamination of the environment by the introduction of contaminants that can cause damage to the environment and harm or discomfort humans or other living species.” Pollution is a real and serious problem for us, many countries around the world and there should be intended ways to decrease this problem, but we can be at home, office or school, we can contribute to decrease pollution. In fact, there are some types of pollution, like: air, water, soil, noise and light pollution and there are many effects provoked by these problems. This essay proposes some real solutions for a problem: Understand the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, use public mode of transportation and reforest areas near home.

The different types of pollution can cause many consequences to our health (diseases like cancer, lung, and asthma) natural resources, cost of energy, contamination of water sources, global temperature increase, etc. A big solution is in small daily activities any person can make. Air and water are the most important resources for humans; the main cause for air pollution is carbon dioxide from  cars, trucks, vehicles, etc. Water pollution is provoked by 'Petroleum Seeps’; this is a several problem for us. A real solution for air and water pollution is to use public transportation because we need to use less cars and trucks, if we use fewer vehicles, the carbon dioxide will decrease. In the capital of Honduras, we can use a bike or walk from home to the office, to the university or also to school. Many people use the Trans to exercise, walk or ride a bike.

            In other hand, soil, noise and light pollution are other type of pollution. The soil pollution is related to water pollution because the sources of water are contaminated, the land is contaminated too, and the main causes for this type of pollution are: Agricultural and construction activities, deforestation and Overcrowded landfills. (Conserve the Energy of the Future). The noise pollution consists in strong sounds occasioned by music, television, traffic, people talking on their phone, etc. The causes for noise pollution are industrialization, poor urban planning, social events, transportation and construction activities, etc. (Conserve Energy Future). The essential effects of noise pollution are hearing problems, Sleeping Disorders, Cardiovascular Issues and Trouble Communicating. The solutions for soil and noise pollution are to understand the concept of reduce, reuse and recycle and reforest areas near to your house.     In national and international media, many companies and ONG's are talking about the importance of recycling but in addition, it is necessary to understand well the concept of reduce and reuse also. People need to reduce the consuming of energy, petroleum, electronic devices, vehicles, etc. and to learn reuse water, paper, carton, boxes, plastic bottles, cotton, aluminum, etc. Many schools around the world teach a student about reducing, reusing and recycling.
A solution requires a change of mind, the world is drastically changing, and people need to change too. Pollution is a severe problem so we can be looking for a way to stop it. Toxic pollution affects more than 200 million people worldwide, according to Pure Earth. In accordance with Merriam-Webster, reforestation is the act of planting tree seeds or young trees in an area where there used to be a forest. In Honduras, like other countries of the world, the reforestation is a way to save the planet because it reduces a concentration of CO2; protecting species and can reverse the damage done by erosion. In the schools, teachers can begin with campaigns of reforestation, in offices or universities; people can plant a tree or take care of a plant, step by step together help to fight against pollution. At home, families’ plant gardens and children learn about how to protect the planet. It is necessary to change our unconcerned attitude and understand that the Earth planet is the only place where we can live.

In summary, the pollution is a problem that affects me and my family, it isn’t only a government problem because the planet is a place for all of us to live in; the solution is in our hands, but it is necessary to have a change of mind, turn off the lights when don´t use is advertising in several places, so we need to turn off the passive attitude and take this problem and solve it, by using public means of transportation like bikes or walking, these are solutions to reduce air pollution and benefit our health. Maybe we can’t buy a bike, but we can walk. We only need to be aware because many places in Tegucigalpa and other cities are dangerous. The concepts of reduce, reuse and recycle are the most important to understand, people call it the 3Rs, it is a key for a healthy planet.  At home, in the office, in the university, at school, in the bank, at a restaurant, anywhere where you are, remember the 3Rs all the time. Finally, reforest a lot of land, beginning with your home. Plant a tree, it is start a change of mind and contribute to salve our planet, only place for live.

Dictionary Merriam-Webster. Available in

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