Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Assignment for October 11th, 2016

Follow the instructions given for today:

1) You will work in pairs. First you need to upload your demostrative essay to the blog along with a picture of your product.

2) Take a look around the blog, comment on other people's posts. Some suggestions on how to reply: leave positive comments, suggestions, ideas on how to improve, specific details to change, etc.

3) Choose one essay from the blog and download it, change the name of the file to your last names.

4) Highlight in one color the main idea and the supportung details in another. Look for the topic sentences and highlight them in another color. Comment on what is the intended audience according to you. Do you believe the writer succesfully captures the intended audience's attention? Why? Why not?

5) Upload to your drive the highlighted version of the essay.

6) write a summary and your opinion (each opinion should be included as a separate paragraph) about the essay you read and once you finish post it as a new publication in the blog. Some aspects to comment: your opinion on main ideas, how convincing is the essay? Do you feel attracted to this product? Would you buy it? Why wouldn't you buy it? Why would you? Etc.

Get to work!



1 comment:

  1. I think a essay don,t have principal reasons for a buy a harpoon. It is a good description of harpoon because include size, materials, pound and color but not include color for women like pink, red, purple or yellowYtype of people.Really, I do not like guns so I do not read about them.
